Amazing Mom Someday Greeting Card

$ 6.00


  • Hand-lettered Design
  • Letterpress Printed
  • Pistachio Paper Envelope
  • Size A2 (4.25 x 5.5) Folded
  • One Card and One Envelope per Single Card Order
  • Made with Love in New Orleans

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lacie Judy
Bringing Smiles and Love

I love sending cards, but I don’t always have the right words and/or the big box retailers just don’t have the variety (ironic, isn’t it?) that I need for a specific occasion. This place, though...this store has what I didn’t even know I needed. So much so that when I am browsing and see a card that I never thought would exist, it brings tears to my eyes. You can’t create love with analytics and sales. You create love by putting your heart and soul into your work. That is what I see in the cards that this store offers. And I am grateful.

On a basic buyers level, I want to share that the shipping time is always great (I’ve ordered multiple cards for two different orders so far), the quality of the cards is beautiful, and the care put into each order is obvious. Great customer service and quality.

I’m glad this shop exists!